Blood Bank Viewing Apparatuses

The RH View box was originally used for the glass slide test method. The Slide test method, which is solely utilized nowadays for RH typing the D antigen, has contributed to the continued extensive use of the RH view box for test tube agglutination grading at various blood banks and reference labs. When comparing to the RH view box, the agglutination viewer presents both advantages and disadvantages. One of the most apparent advantages lies in the ability to observe slides on the RH View Box, aided by the regulated temperature of 37 centigrade. Furthermore, the RH view box provides blood bank technologists with a flat surface on which gel cards or solid phase strips can be conveniently placed for observation. This feature is particularly favored by some technologists who prefer the RH View Box as it allows them to tap the tubes against the flat surface while viewing, which aids in the dislodgement of cell buttons. On the other hand, certain technologists lean towards using the detachable agglutination mirror to observe specimens instead. This method proves time-saving when multiple blood groupings need to be performed. It is worth noting that both the Agglutination viewer and RH View Box do not necessitate periodic maintenance unless they are disassembled. Furthermore, the RH view box is lauded for its ability to consistently deliver reliable results, making it an indispensable tool in the realm of blood bank testing. Its reliability, coupled with the advantages it offers, firmly establishes the RH view box as an integral component in today’s blood bank practices.

agglutination viewer with concave mirrior

Test Tube Agglutination Viewers are the primary source used in labs today. Agglutination Viewers are smaller, which is an advantage when one considers all the other equipment that goes on the desk in a blood bank. The biggest difference between the RH View Box and the Agglutination Viewer is the mirror and light source. The light source on the Agglutination Viewer shines down on the test tube and then bounces up from the mirror underneath. The mirror can be adjusted to any angle that the technologist is comfortable viewing. Some technologists prefer the mirror to observe the top and bottom of the test tube at the same time when grading. Other technologists prefer to use the mirror without the light source as well. Technologists have stated that it is easier to see the halo on the bottom of the test tube or the white that occurs when one has a sample with a mixed field using the concave mirror. Other blood bankers dislike the concave mirror when using the light source in conjunction. Additionally, Agglutination Viewers can be easily transported, making them convenient for laboratory technicians who may need to move around frequently during their workday.

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