Pro Pipette Reach

• Extended neck for ergonomics

• Perfect for use under the hood

• allows user to rest elbow on bench

• QuickStand™ Retractable Kickstand

• 8-hour rechargeable battery life

• Pressure-sensitive speed control


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Pro Pipette Reach

The ProPette™ REACH™ allows users to rest their elbows on the work surface, eliminating discomfort, and fatigue while aspirating or dispensing under the hood.

With the retractable QuickStand™ kickstand, lab techs can easily pause their work, while the ProPettte™ REACH™  is supported and positioned at the ideal angle, until ready to resume their pipetting.  When not in use, the stand folds to a neutral position, out of the user’s way. It has all the features of the popular ProPette Pipette Controller, plus it provides greater comfort and improved ergonomics while pipetting.

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